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Conflict and Chaos: Vietnam 1965



Conflict and Chaos: Vietnam 1965 is a historical strategic board game designed by James J Campbell and published by I Will Never Grow Up Games.

On 2 March, 1965, following an attack on a US Marine barracks at Pleiku, Operations Flaming Dart, Rolling Thunder and Arc Light commenced. This intense bombing campaign, which ultimately lasted three years, was intended to force North Vietnam to cease its support for the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam.

Ultimately, the US involvement in the war in Vietnam was ineffective. On 15 January, 1973, President Richard Nixon announced the suspension of US offensive action against North Vietnam. By wars end, the Vietnamese had been fighting foreign involvement or occupation for 116 years.

Take control of the nine major powers involved in one of the most controversial conflicts of all time. Can you change the course of history?

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  • Number of Players: 2 to 6
  • For Ages: 14+
  • Playing Time: 180-240 min
  • Box Dimensions: 235x300x50mm
  • Weight: ~1.5kg

Read the Rule book HERE


James J Campbell


James J Campbell
Stock Public Domain Photography


Ken Bertrand, Brad Ford, James Hillman, Jay Price, Jerrett Wichman

Featuring several unique game mechanisms, including;

  • Covert troop deployment and sneak attacks,
  • Defending infantry extraction rules,
  • Special reinforcement rules,
  • Multinational forces,
  • Political influences,
  • and a wide variety of player powers.


  • Rule book
  • 27×18 inch 6 fold Game Board
  • 2 Covert Operations Mats and Screens
  • Territory Control and Production Track
  • 84 National Control Markers
  • 15 Facilities Damage Tokens
  • 4 Amphibious Landing Tokens
  • 14 Covert Operations Tokens
  • 10 Anti Aircraft Gun Tokens
  • 7 Surface to Air Missile Tokens
  • 6 Fire Support Base Tokens
  • 4 Air Base Tokens
  • Production Points (Paper Money)
  • 5 Black Dice (6 sided)
  • 5 Red Dice (6 sided)


Player Power Combat Unit Tokens (us$29.99)

  • 375 Player Power Specific Combat Unit Tokens

**Here is a list of errata and clarifications from any copies purchased prior to 23/08/2021:



  • ARVN Starting Production Points should be 22, not 23.
  • PARU Starting Production Points should be 13, not 23.


  • US Control Markers missing from the following territories;
    ** Bankok, Nkhon Phanom, Ubon Ratachathani.
  • PARU Control Markers missing from all Thailand territories.
  • ARVN Control Marker missing from Sadec.
  • Country names missing.


  • Page 2: Armored Personnell Carriers are NOT in game (removed from components list).
  • Page 7: Special Unit Rules and Placements: ARVN – “New ARVN units are placed in Saigon. If Saigon is controlled by Communist forces, ARVN may not place new units.”
  • Page 7: Units and their Values: “*Helicopters are available to purchase by the US and ARVN player powers only.”
  • Page 8: ANZUS: Anzus units deploy in Saigon, or if Saigon is controlled by Communist forces, Dixie Station.
  • Page 11: Special Political Rules and Effects: Anti Communist Forces: The Silent War (Cambodia and Laos): add to first line “(Units starting the game in these territories do not count unless they move and remain in Cambodia or Laos)”
  • Page 13: Bombers: “You may not conduct bombing on any territory you control”
  • Page 13: Bombers: Bombing the Ho Chi Minh Trail: “Bombing the Ho Chi Minh Trail is not considered invading and therefore does not allow the VC player to gain additional troops”


Can Covert units move on the covert map?

  • No, covert troops remain in place. If they move, they are no longer covert and must be placed on the main board.

PARU has units starting the game on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Are those territories US owned at the start of the game?

  • Those territories begin the game as ‘contested’/occupied and not controlled. If the Communist forces do not take them by the end of the first round and PARU or other Anti Communist forces remain, they will be controlled by the US (or other Anti Communist force).


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