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Feudal Endeavor



Become a part of Russia’s Golden Age! Take on the roles of lords and ladies of the great noble families in 1776 Imperial Russia under the rule of Catherine the Great. Compete against your neighbors to earn prestige and the favor of the Empress, Catherine the Great.

Acquire and manage new lands, perform tasks at the bidding of the Empress and contribute tithing towards the renovation of Catherine Palace.

Catherine the Great was the Empress of Russia from 1762 until 1796, the countries longest ruling female leader. She came to power following a coup d’etat that she organised, resulting in Peter III, her husband, being overthrown. Under her reign Russia was revitalized, growing larger and stronger than ever, recognized as one of the great powers of Europe.

Clandestinely bid on new lands as you manage your fiefdom’s economy behind its great walls. After the big reveal see if you’ve developed the greatest fiefdom, won glorious battles, fulfilled the Empress’s graceful command and provided the greatest tithing towards the renovation of Catherine Palace!

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  • Number of Players: 2-6
  • For Ages: 13+
  • Playing Time: 10 min per Player
  • Box Dimensions: 255x255x61mm
  • Weight: approx 1.1kg


Andrew Zimdahl


Jared Sanford
Alyssa Fernandez


James J Campbell


James J Campbell

CONTENTS (6 player)

  • Rule book
  • Main Board
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 4 Bidding Screens
  • 3 Decks of Cards
    • 24 Empress’s Bidding (mini size)
    • 12 Special Abilities (mini size)
    • 44 Land Deeds (square)
  • 20 Serf Resource cubes
  • 18 Horse Resource cubes
  • 12 Hussar Resource cubes
  • 36 Coins (1 value)
  • 24 Coins (5 value)
  • Player Components (in 4 player colors)
    • Prestige Tracker Token
    • Favor Tracker Token
    • 5 Small Palace Tithing Bricks
    • 4 Large Palace Tithing Bricks

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  • Ulterior Motives
  • Noble Lineage

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