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Into the Black: Boarding Party BUNDLE



“Hardseal is positive Cap’n, we’ve breached the airlock!”

Blow the airlock doors, search and loot the ship, take the bridge!
Beware the potential traitor out for personal glory!


This bundle inclues:

Into the Black: Boarding Party (base game) + Increased Crew (5-6 Player Expansion) + EPIC Encounters (Expansion) + All Kickstarter Promotional Cards and Player Boards!

Into the Black: Boarding Party is a space pirate themed, tile laying, semi-cooperative board game for 1 to 4 players that plays in approximately 90-120 minutes. Every game is a different experience with a random tile layout. Multiple loss conditions and few win conditions make for a challenging time.

Each player has the opportunity to win individually, or as a group and there is the potential for one player to sabotage everything, revealing themselves as a traitor upon completion of their own objective.

As you board and explore an unknown star ship, searching for the bridge, strange winding corridors and new rooms are slowly revealed. Be wary of where you step as each new room may hold a potentially deadly surprise; enemy defenders attempting to fend off your dastardly plundering, a dangerous plasma leak or artificial gravity failure can all mean doom for you and your crew! Each of these issues must be dealt with in one way or another to be able to proceed in your quest. Looting the ship may net you many helpful items such as stim packs to heal you or another’s crew member, special or upgraded weapons to help fight off enemy defenders, body armor to protect against damage and more.

Adding to the chaos, each player has their own personal goal they must achieve; be wary of a potential traitor in your midst!

Explore the ship, complete your primary and personal objectives, and survive;
All before meeting any number of failure conditions, to win or lose; together!


Into the Black: Boarding Party;

  • 10 player boards
    • 6 Bonus PROMO Player boards
  • 150 loot cards
  • 43 events cards
  • 14 personal goals cards
  • 7 primary missions cards
  • 72 tiles
  • 68 tokens
  • 35 enemy meeples & draw bag
  • 4 custom player meeples
  • 15 custom dice (4 White, 4 Yellow, 3 Orange, 2 Red, 2 Black)
  • 2 standard dice
  • 20 acrylic cubes
  • Apprehension and Morale Tracks
  • Rules
  • Quick Reference Cards
  • 15 Bonus PROMO Standees

Increased Crew;

  • 2 New Player Colors with Custom Meeples
  • 4 New Primary Missions
  • 4 New Personal Goals
  • Starting Game Board
  • 20 Enemy Meeples
  • 12 Reputation Cubes
  • 10 Health Tokens

Epic Encounters;

  • 8 Epic Encounter Character Boards
  • 4 Epic Encounter Meeples
  • 4 Epic Encounter Tokens
  • 4 Federal Authority Tokens
  • 26 Epic Loot Cards
  • 8 Health Tokens

Number of Players: 1-4
Play Time: 90-120 min
Ages: 14+

BOX SIZE: 255 x 255 x 61 mm
WEIGHT: 2.0 kg

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Additional information

Weight 3000 g
Dimensions 255 × 255 × 255 mm


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